Josh Isenberg

Wrestlezone’s Top Ten: Best Heels in Wrestling

Number 6: Dolph Ziggler

Dolph Ziggler

Read this in one month, and Ziggler could easily be in the top 3. Dolph has proven to everyone that he has what it takes to be one of the best in the WWE. With his love for the business, dedication of improving his skills, and his determination of never stopping, Ziggler is one of my favorite heels on this list. Doing headstands in the ring shows you how cocky, yet brilliant, he is. He has never put on a match where I look back thinking, “that match sucked.” With the help of Vickie, Dolph immediately became a guy you love to hate, or hate to love. With Ryder, Ziggler has made the term #Heel universally known. Even non wrestling fans know what heel means, and it is because Dolph has embraced it. Look at his Twitter handle, @HeelZiggler. Dolph is the complete player, and maybe become a tweener. Fans are already chanting for Ziggler and rooting him on, just listen to No Way Out. He could get the Orton effect very quickly, but can still be a great heel nontheless.


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