Ryback Bill Goldberg

What’s NOT Bothering Me: Ryberg, BFG Series, Johnny Ace

Johnny Ace, John LaurinaitisSOMETHING Is Better Than NOTHING

I surrender. I comply. I accept.

I have come to the understanding that I can’t have it my way ALL the time. In this case, Johnny Ace is no longer the GM of both shows and while that is an unfortunate truth in MY world, I choose now to look at the glass half full.

For now, I’m still getting Johnny Ace — the character — on TV every week.

Laurinaitis’ “talent” is debatable, so I won’t try to win over the haters. His heat and effectiveness, however, is not.

As GM, he was better suited to use that heat in putting over other talent. In a lesser role, whatever that ends up being exactly, he can still be a contributing asset to the company.

The easy (and likely) option is a managerial role. Most expected it to be alongside Big Show, but Raw on Monday seemed to indicate Big Show would be going solo. Where (or who with) Johnny fits outside of that is negotiable.

A non-GM role for Laurinaitis is still unproven, so I’m not going to guarantee he will continue entertaining me the way he has been in recent months. I just hope they give him a legit chance at remaining a public figure.

That being said, if Vince still feels he’s good enough to be on TV, why take him out of the GM spot in the first place???

Damn it…I guess I’m not over it yet!!!

Follow Chris Cash on Twitter @RealityofChris. You can email him at [email protected]. And be sure to catch tonight’s “VOW Reaction”, immediately following Monday Night Raw, as Chris will be joined by show favorite and former WWE/TNA superstar, Billy Gunn. Visit VOWLive.com for details.