Stars in Progress: Punk/Cena, MITB, AJ Styles, Foley/Ambrose

Mick Foley Dean AmbroseMick Foley/Dean Ambrose – One Step Down

The latest reports state the expected program between Mick Foley and Dean Ambrose has been cancelled. Even Mick Foley removed a column from his website regarding Ambrose and the "worked shoot" that began over Wrestlemania weekend in Miami. No word on why the article was taken down.

Part of me wonders if Mick Foley's demanding schedule outside of WWE is part of the reason the storyline was scrapped, but I'm sure Foley would have made time for the opportunity to work another relevant program in the big league. This assumption leads me to believe WWE Creative has different plans altogether for Ambrose and his upcoming debut.

I hope, for his sake, it's at least equally as good or better than the original idea would have been.

It's hard to be creative, fresh and original when it comes to introducing a new superstar. Too often WWE rests on meaningless win streaks, cheesy gimmicks or trying to do too much too soon with the talent. Fans are harder to please and less willing to accept mediocrity.

Mick Foley's involvement and the behind-the-scenes plot they had already begun creating gave Ambrose a unique and rare opporunity for early success in WWE. Foley is still relevant. He's exceptional for getting a story and his oppenent over on the mic. And while his in-ring work is his weakest attribute, he understands his limitations and has made a career overcoming them.

Also, if Ambrose is as good in the ring as he is credited to be, he shouldn't need much help from his opposition to pull off effective matches.

I know I'm not the only one that was looking forward to this program. WWE still has time to reconsider. I hope they do. Dean Ambrose can still succeed without Mick Foley's assistance but why waste a well laid out plan?  Unless, the alternative is unquestionably better.

I still have a hard time giving WWE that much credit.


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