Stars in Progress: Punk/Cena, MITB, AJ Styles, Foley/Ambrose

WWE Money In The Bank 2012Money In The Bank – One Step Up

Quick aside: I realize that gimmicks like MITB and the X Division aren't technically "stars". I don't need your emails and comments pointing that out. They are simply relevant topics I can use in this format (steps up and down) and since it's my column and I make the rules, I give myself the green light to add things like this.

The MITB pay per view is one of my favorites. The opportunities are endless going into and coming out of it.

This year in particular, there are several stars that could gain exponentially from winning one of the two contracts at stake. Early favorites like Ziggler, Rhodes, and Barrett are obvious choices. Then, you have veterans like Del Rio, Big Show, and Kane that could always take it. Newcomers like Brodus Clay and Ryback aren't dismissive either in this type of match.

Even a Dean Ambrose could swoop in and steal it in his first official match with the company.

It's a creative dream and nightmare at the same time.

Fans understand the importance of this match as well. We know that the winner(s) of a MITB contract is practically guaranteed a world title run at some point in the next year. History proves it.

Heading into the event, I simply urge WWE Creative to consider one thing — the obvious choice isn't always the wrong one. If they are an "obvious" choice, it likely means you did something right in the first place building them as such.

Ergo, it's okay to continue as planned and allow Dolph Ziggler the win!


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