Mt. Killamanjaro: 2012 WWE No Way Out Review

WWE No Way Out Review — @MikeKillam

No Way Out, making its return to the WWE PPV schedule for the first time in three years, had some really well-done moments. Unfortunately, few of them seemed to be high on WWE’s list of priorities. The main event matches, while for the most part technically solid, just didn’t quite tell the story I was hoping for. Fortunately there were little surprises here and there, and enough passable wrestling to keep me interested.

SheamusSheamus and Dolph Ziggler fought a good match, which should come as no surprise to anyone keeping up with the current product. Ziggler didn’t walk away with the title here – nor should he have – but it’s good to see they trust him as a back-up in situations where your “main event” guys fall to injury (or suspension). Next month is Money in the Bank; was this test-run for Ziggler good enough to convince management he should walk out with a career-changing briefcase?

And speaking of career-changing, I have to rescind my previous statements about Christian and his “fall from grace” in regards to the Intercontinental Championship. After actually watching Christian and Cody Rhodes put on arguably the match of the night at No Way Out, I like him with the belt. Specifically, I like him with the belt when he’s facing Cody Rhodes. Cody re-defined the IC title; in a lot of fans’ minds it’s practically his Championship. But Christian’s a former World Champion (not to mention celebrated IC Champion) with a lot more experience; he probably should win 70% of their encounters logically speaking. Which got me thinking… I would be really interested in a Cody Rhodes and Christian, Best of Five Series. With these two – and this is something missing from almost all mid-card feuds – it’s not about transcending their place on the roster to FINALLY be “main eventers”. These two are actually fighting for a title they’ve both worked hard to legitimize.


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