WWE No Way Out

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: No Way Out Matches

Number 4: Kurt Angle vs. The Undertaker

Kurt Angle

Kurt Angle gave us an incredible performance, one that I won’t forget because of his opponent. At the time, this was the best Undertaker match I have ever seen. He looked lean, athletic, but kept his mystique in the ring. The storyline was not fantastic, but Angle would run circles in the ring to make anything look good. The combination of the veteran presense showed you why Kurt was the absolute best wrestler in the world. He got the best out of Taker in 2006, with a PPV that lacked importance. Angle and Undertaker lasted almost a half hour, and brought the house down in Baltimore. It was worth the price of admission just for the final match. Timing, professionalism, and the experienced wrestling abilities of both men were unmatched.


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