Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-11-12

WWE RawOpening Segment

What I Liked:

Vince McMahon immediately interrupts John Laurinaitis and talks about his job. Vince says why should John Laurinaitis not be fired, and he talks about "People Power." They talk back and forth, until Sheamus comes out and talks about a friend that Laurinaitis is. He says he fined him 500,000 dollars and is a control freak. Sheamus said he needs to be fired. Vince says he needs to be impressed with tonight's show or he will fire Johnny. Great action on the microphone, as it seems everything is more important when Vince is around. He has the aurora and importance every single time he comes out. This foreshadows events for later tonight, as the end will feature Vince and Laurinaitis. Something needs to happen that gives us more to look forward to. This cannot be a one night stand.

What I Disliked:

Where was someone defending Johnny? He needs to have some sort of support, such as Big Show, Eve, and Otunga. There cannot be just haters who are against him. Make it realistic and give your heels something to do throughout the show.

Grade: B+

Sheamus def. Tensai

What I Liked:

A solid bout back and forth match between two heavyweights who did a good job to start the night off. What the hell were the welts on Tensai? Did we miss him taking a big bump? I felt the pairing was very typical, but it made Sheamus look strong. The match lasted over a commercial break. It was given enough time, and Sheamus' boot looked absolutely great on TV. The crowd seemed to be in huge form for Sheamus, who is a guy getting better with his overall character each week.

What I Disliked:

Tensai is not good. It is plain and simple. He may be a good "wrestler" but this is "Sports Entertainment" where you need more than just in ring action. He has not gotten over with the crowd, has no steam, and hasn't spoke. He does not entertain anyone. I am sick of seeing his character forced down our throats, as we all simply do not care.

Grade: C+

-Christian, Great Khali, Jack Swagger, and Dolph Ziggler will fight for the right to face Sheamus. Teddy Long made that decision, much to Vince's delight.

Tensai is seen dominating Sakamoto, yelling in Japanese. It is funny to see them do this, when nobody cares about either guy. The vast majority still does not care. This was absolutely awful to watch, and Hartford was silent.


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