Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-11-12

Daniel Bryan-Vince McMahon wishes Daniel Bryan good luck. Bryan says he did not think Vince would like someone like him. Vince says he needs his advice about John Laurinaitis. Bryan compares himself to Vince and says they are both self made. Vince said he has never finished anything in under 18 seconds.

Vader def. Heath Slater

What I Liked:

The fans loved it, the Twitter world loved it, and I thought it was alright. Vader hit a few moves, even though he is really out of shape. Give him credit as Vader did not look like many of the other legends who have tried to come back for a little match. I laughed because the last time I saw him he fell off the ring apron accidentally when he was brought in by Jonathon Coachman.

What I Disliked:

My biggest dislike is just that you can tell 3 hours may not work. They are struggling to put good, solid, even average content in each segment. All I want is more stories. No Way Out is on Sunday, yet we have 4 announced matches, with one pre show match. Where is the angles? Where are the stories at?

Grade: C

CM Punk and AJ def Kane and Daniel Bryan

What I Liked:

AJ does an absolutely incredible job in her role with the company. She is type casted and it works as the crazy chick. The match itself was not full of action but it did not need to. There was more told with AJ kissing Kane and getting the victory for Punk. She was the ultimate distraction, like she always is. The best part is we do not know who she is siding with. Will she help Bryan, Punk, or Kane? We never have any idea what is going to happen, and she is a nice element of surprise.

What I Disliked:

Many will say the WWE Championship may be overshadowed, but I feel like it never will be irrelavant. The match Sunday will be solid from beginning to end, and we have had many twists, turns, and angles. This is really different and unique from anything else going on in the WWE at this moment.

Grade: B+


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