Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 6-11-12

Dolph ZigglerDolph Ziggler def. Great Khali, Jack Swagger, and Christian

What I Liked:

By eliminating Khali, you were able to see some great technical wrestling. Dolph Ziggler and Christian were excellent in the ring, completely showcasing the abiliites of technical wrestling. Swager was the wild card for me, being able to carry a good portion of the action while Ziggler took a quick breather. The counters and reversals were flawless. They really did a solid job booking this match with the idea to make Ziggler look strong. I was happy Rhodes did not interfere, because it would devalue the win for Ziggler. I expected Swagger vs. Ziggler, but him eliminating Swagger was even better. This is a huge opportunity for Ziggler to stay in the main event level without falling behind the pack.

Grade: A

Ryback def. Willard Fillmore and Rutherford Hayes

What I Liked:

This was pure enjoyment. He is exciting and does not disappoint. This is getting old, yes, but it is different than Clay or Cesaro. He has such a unique and dominant look. Feed me more Ryback.

What I Disliked:

I just want a storyline for Ryback. I want him to look more impressive with guys we invest time into, and not 100 pound bums who are only going to work for small independant circuits in the US. Give us something more, especially since it has been two months of the same garbage.

Grade: B

-Cena and Vince are backstage. They talk about WrestleMania and how you cannot talk about a man's success because of that.


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