Josh Isenberg

Wrestlezone’s Top 10: Entrance Theme Songs

Number 6: Brodus Clay

Brodus Clay

This could easily be the most popular song in the WWE right now. “Somebody Call My Momma” has gotten me out of my seat. It has also gotten a friend of mine to master the dinosaur dance after viewing it for the first time. A live crowd goes absolutely crazy for this song, lighting, and overall show of Brodus Clay. Funk is on the run… Brodus Clay fits this song to a T. What charisma and dedication to be one person after being someone else for a while. Nobody understood it first, but everyone loves hearing this song each and every week. No matter who he faces or how he is booked, the song will continue to entertain the audience. That is still a huge part, as he will not win World Championships soon, but entertain the crowd when need be. Thanks to this tune, I have begun to enjoy when Brodus comes out.