Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction

SheamusSheamus def. Dolph Ziggler

What I Liked:

This was a fantastic match. What did you expect besides that? The attitude between Ziggler and Sheamus is excellent, especially when Ziggler tries to escape and get a time out. His personality shines more in the ring than anyone else. Ziggler does the little things that I appreciate. His mannerisms and emotions are fantastic. I loved how Sheamus got the early start in the match, really working on the smaller opponent with his brute strength. Shoulder blocks and clotheslines pick up the pace for Sheamus. I felt giving Ziggler a great look here will do so much for him now that a few main event spots have opened up. Ziggler countered and connected with a picture perfect DDT, one that really caught Sheamus off guard. The timing is spectacular between two guys who are still very young in their careers. After all of this great wrestling, the finish came when Swagger came out and tried to help Dolph. That did not happen, and ended up costing Dolph the match. You get a sense that Ziggler may turn face here, with Swagger being the less liked of the two. Keep this going, keep progressing more than one angle, and build towards Summerslam.

Grade: A

-CM Punk is interviewed by Matt Striker. He talks about John Laurinaitis not liking him, as well as beating Kane tonight.

Ryder and Santino def. Prime Time Players (O'Neil and Young)

What I Liked:

It looks like O'Neil and Young are getting a solid chance right now. They are still young, but getting better and better each week. They are brash, cocky, and the typical athletes that people used to dislike. They feel like they are entitled, and a good way to gain heat. I enjoyed the match, but disagreed with a few things. After the match was very smart. Big Show attacks and dominates Ryder and Santino, two very popular guys with the fans. This was a smart move and came off looking great. If you want someone to gain instant heat, have them annihilate two popular faces. Plain and simple.

What I Disliked:

Ryder and Santino have nothing to gain by picking up a cheap win. We see this rematch from a few weeks ago, but this time they lose? I really did not like the finish because you need these guys to pick up wins against all competition before heading to face Kofi and Truth. I feel like that is the ultimate goal for them, potentially at Summerslam. There really is no point for Santino to be in this match either, who should have an actual feud as the United States Champion. This was just illogical

Grade: C+


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