Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction

Alberto Del RioDamien Sandow def. Ezekiel Jackson

What I Liked:

Sandow comes out and calls him an ignoramus, and says he will not fight tonight. Jackson grabs him and clotheslines him in the corner. Sandow does a great job escaping from the Torture Rack and connects with aggressive knees to Jackson's abdomin. You can see the intensity Sandow brings in the snap of a finger. He gets a few strikes from Jackson, but ultimately picks up the win. Even though Jackson is irrelavant, he looks like a better victory than Yoshi Tatsu. At least he held a championship before.

What I Disliked:

When will Sandow get something meaningful? Will he continue this path until he loses, or will they let him continue to win like Brodus, Ryback, and others? I really like his character so far and has been able to connect with the crowd in a different way. I fear they are going to keep doing this for a long time with no big moment. People are beginning to see how good he is in the ring each week with small doses. Smart booking decision so far, and hopefully they can continue to push him at a steady pace.

Grade: B

-Alberto Del Rio talks to Dolph Ziggler, who wants to face Sheamus. Del Rio agrees and gives him the match for later.

Ryback def. Chris Lyons and Ryan Shelton

What I Liked:

Another squash for Ryback. He looks impressive each week with his unique offensive attacks. His finisher looks great, and his look is intimidating. He has all of the tools to be in a legit feud right now.

What I Disliked:

I like Ryback, I really do. WWE Creative needs to run with him right now and throw him in with someone of size and importance. I still feel Kane would be a great opponent. This will let Ryback show some vulnerability and change the style of his overall tactics. He needs to develop a little more than just pure dominance.

Grade: C


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