Santino Marella

What’s Bothering Me: Owen/Pillman, Punk vs Rhodes, Santino

What is this I hear about some fans hating on Santino all of a sudden? I know Nick Paglino isn’t the biggest fan of his over-the-top gimmick, although he didn’t go into much detail on the special return edition of VOW last Monday.

I’m not typically a huge fan of “gimmicky” gimmicks either, but this is wrestling we’re talking about. They’ve been around forever and won’t be going anywhere anytime soon. And some of them actually do work.

Santino is one that works.

Why change a good thing? Why try to fix something that isn’t broken? Santino is more over than he’s ever been.

You have to take the good with the bad at times. Does he need the US title? No. If WWE would simply put a little more emphasis on the fact that he is the US Champion, would he make for a good fit? Absolutely. In fact, I believe he’d be a VERY good US Champion if that was the case.

His character doesn’t need an overhaul for that to happen. Leave his gimmick alone, but change his storyline direction. And during his matches, allow him to still compete at a realistic level. You don’t have to get rid of the cobra, but don’t make it the finisher against credible challengers.

When Santino wasn’t getting pushed seriously, people complained. They popped like CRAZY during the Elimination Chamber in February. WWE gives him a midcard (I’d even say low midcard) title as a result and people bitch? I don’t get it.

Santino is OVER. Insanely over. How is that not enough for some people all of a sudden?


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