Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 5-19

Daniel BryanDamien Sandow vs. Yoshi Tatsu

What I Liked:

Thankfully, the match never took place. If Derrick Bateman was not "suited" to face Sandow, Tatsu definitely is not. This was different because we got to see what Sandow looks like under the robe. He has a good look with a solid body figure. I expected him to look a little different, more stalky and thick, but I was impressed with his quick aggression and attack on Tatsu. Keep him out of actual matches as long as you can. I am really invested in this guy and really like what he has done thus far.

What I Disliked:

It could get old really quick, so creative needs to be careful when they book him each week. I expect his first match to be in a few weeks, possibly after attacking a mid card guy. He would fit perfectly with a Santino, especially because of his comedic character. That is wishful thinking though.

Grade: B

Daniel Bryan def. Zack Ryder

What I Liked:

I thought Ryder would be squashed here, but he was not. Ryder was able to get some offense, including his nice knees to Bryan's face. This was a great idea to reassure everyone that Bryan is still a heel, no matter what the chants are. Book him versus a popular star who the crowd loves. They did that to perfection.

What I Disliked;

It looks like nothing is going to happen with Zack Ryder. He continues to be booked to lose without a chance of winning. Also, I cannot stand how quickly he taps to submissions. He has done it his whole life. At least struggle for a few seconds.

Grade: C+

Kane def. CM Punk Via Disqualification

What I Liked:

I was very impressed with Kane in this match versus Punk. He was able to take solid bumps, as well as working on Punk's ribs throughout the match. It was a good fight, one that Punk needed to overcome and look strong without harming Kane. He has been the henchman for Laurinaitis the past few weeks, and that is a good thing for his dwindling career. The match had great pacing, solid back and forth action, and really intrigued me. The ending saw Bryan escape once again, who was on commentary, and give Punk the extra damage. This progressed the angle in a way where you still kept both guys from actually touching one another. Great work here from all three guys.

Grade: A


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