Superstar Spotlight: WWE Superstar Daniel Bryan

Superstar Spotlight: Daniel Bryan

Is Daniel Bryan a great wrestler? YES!

Was Daniel Bryan getting over as a heel? YES!

Did Diego Sanchez influence Daniel Bryan’s new chant? YES!

Daniel Bryan start the ‘Reality Era’ ‘What?’ chant? YES!

Did Daniel Bryan inspire Miami Heat fans to chant YES? YES!

Did Daniel Bryan get a chance to shine at Wrestlemania…


I still say he got robbed of a chance at a great match at Wrestlemania, you know, the night where stars are rewarded for their hard work. I’m sorry, but 18 seconds is not showing praise and it’s a slap in the face. The match result is fine, I expected Sheamus to win and that’s all fine, but make him earn the title. As I said on the (non-archived portion – BOO!) VOW Wrestlemania Reaction Show, Daniel Bryan deserved a few minutes, not seconds. Chris Cash disagreed with me and said they might as well give them a twenty minute if you want more time, and I respect that view. Bryan will go on and use this to further alienate AJ and it gives him a score to settle instead of just getting a deserved rematch.

One problem.

The fans got pissed off, and rightly so, but they may have just turned Bryan back into a face. Sheamus is going to get booed, and you heard a bit of it this week; I can’t wait to see how they edit out this week’s Smackdown. WWE may have just lost a good heel, and let’s face it they are a little light in that department as it stands. Matt Hardy got fired in 2005 and the fans let management hear their displeasure, CM Punk and Zack Ryder had fans behind them last year. I heard Daniel Bryan chants during other matches on Wrestlemania and RAW, and Alberto Del Rio even got a ‘SI!’ chant during his return. The fans cheered both Christian and Chris Jericho when they returned in the past year, but management had other plans. I understand the need to have Jericho as a nemesis for CM Punk, but Christian was popular and got fast tracked because of Edge’s unfortunate retirement. 

Daniel Bryan should be fine in the long run. He is a great wrestler who is highly regarded among almost all of his peers. He really hasn’t gotten a chance to show his skills aside from a few matches, but that will come in time. I think he is going to stay on Smackdown for a while if they want him to be a heel, but it’s going to harder to do than you think. The RAW Supershow fans are going to let people hear it, and it would be hard to control outside of having him attacking CM Punk or siding with John Laurinaitis. I am probably reading way too much into all of this, and like always, wait to see what happens. There are a bunch of ways WWE can handle this, but I hope they make the right decision and push Bryan as much as they can right now. There’s no reason he can’t be in the top feud on Smackdown because they have every reason to include him. Daniel Bryan is starting to get better on the mic, but his in-ring skills will continue to get him over like they did in ROH. He is a guy who will probably be remembered in the same light as Bret Hart or Chris Jericho in regards to talent. Right? YES. 

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