Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 4-3-12

Sheamus comes out to talk, but is quickly interrupted by Alberto Del Rio. He says that nobody will remember Sheamus' win, and he is better than Bryan because he does not hide behind a woman. He got a match on Smackdown against Sheamus. Del Rio's microphone cuts out, and Sheamus hits a Brogue Kick to Del Rio.

Kofi Kingston def. Cody Rhodes:

What I Liked:

A good pairing of losers from a night ago. I expected someone like Orton here, but we did not get that. I felt like that would be a better matchup, but there was no actual match due to Big Show distracting Cody. He took a piece out of Rhodes' book and was comical with the Embarassing Moment clip. This shows you the feud will continue for the time being.

What I Disliked:

Make the match go longer, give it some legs to have some competition especially due to the lack of matches thus far in the show. Either way, Kofi winning will be forgotten. Where does he go from here? That is my biggest concern with a guy who is entertaining and athletic.

Grade: C-

Abraham Washington offers his services to Mark Henry.

The Miz def. Zack Ryder:

What I Liked:

I loved the aggression we saw from Zack Ryder. It was refreshing and something we have not seen from his character so far. He flipped the switch and really looked good doing it. Ryder has a lot to offer and continues in the ring to show his complete game. The Miz geting the victory does not do much besides gain a little momentum back, but The Miz is going to be stuck here for a little while.

What I Disliked:

Once again, the length of this match. Even so, they did a good job getting the point of Ryder struggling and the rise of The Miz. That is what they wanted to showcase.

Grade: B-


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