Pay-Per-Review: Breaking Down WWE WrestleMania 28


The match itself was what I expected it to be: average to better than average.

The finish made this special. Most fans expected John Cena to go over. I know I did. And IF Rock were to win, it would be via disqualification, interference, or some other screwy finish. But Rock winning clean surprised nearly everyone.

Looking at it in hindsight, I'm anxious to see where WWE takes this. More specifically, how they go with John Cena's character and the way he reacts to losing. He needs to have a problem with it.

I had said several weeks ago that if Rock won the match last night, I would take it to mean there would be more matches to come. I still believe that. John Cena should want a second chance. The Rock should be willing to give it to him.

I do NOT want WWE to try and drag it out for another year. I don't think fans will accept that twice. But if Rock is back like he said he was (I'm aware he'll never be full-time), let's set up match two for SummerSlam. Maybe the rubber match could take place at Night of Champions or Survivor Series.

Rock winning last night should set up something more going forward. I hope it's a new version of John Cena we haven't seen before. And notice, the word "heel" was NOT in that sentence. Although…