Pay-Per-Review: Breaking Down WWE WrestleMania 28

Some fans will still have an issue with the event WWE delivered last night. There's no pleasing everyone. However, every fan should have taken at least something positive from this year's edition of WrestleMania. The HIAC was worth the price of admission alone.

Let's take a look at the highlights…


Disappointment, sure. I see that argument, but my opinion differs.

I think the reason WWE went with Sheamus beating Daniel Bryan for the WHC in such fashion was three-fold:

1) To start WM 28 off with a surprise, a bang.

2) To continue the streak of decisive victories for Sheamus.

3) To give Daniel Bryan more ammunition to work with developing his heel character.

They succeeded on all accounts.

I am aware most fans were looking forward to an actual match and the fact that these two men got dropped from the 'Mania card last year only intensifies those feelings. However, wrestling is STORYLINE driven and I think this result can only help Bryan and Sheamus in that regard.

Daniel Bryan will be fine. His support from the live crowd last night proves that he's over. He lost by a fluke and he now gets to put it over that way. Sheamus gets his time on top. WWE made up for the lack of "wrestling" in their match later on in the night.

I wasn't as disappointed by this finish as others, so long as they follow up well with both men.