Hell in a Cell — Special Referee: Shawn Michaels
Triple H vs Undertaker
When the news leaked late in 2011 that WWE was planning another angle involving Triple H and Undertaker at WrestleMania, my heart sank. We’ve seen it before (twice actually)! Then Undertaker came to the ring and demanded the rematch, a twist on what happened the year before. It doesn’t matter how over-done a concept is, these two can make magic happen in the ring. Despite all my frustrations and apprehensions towards this decision, I was sold in an instant.
Take away all your preconceived notions, your sense of entitlement, and look at this match. Triple H, one of the all-time great ring generals, heels, and mic workers is stepping into the ring with the undefeated Undertaker. Adding to that, they’ll do battle inside Hell in a Cell, the demonic structure both of those men helped to create. Again, adding to that, Shawn Michaels will serve as the special guest referee. If you take away the fact that this match happened last year, on paper alone this looks like a match to steal the DECADE!
Ace: I feel like this match has a lot of history I do not know. I feel like for a lot of people this match is really huge. But, I don’t see it. I know, the undertaker and the streak, but I feel like this is the only match that creates too much cognitive dissonance to be believable. Why does the undertaker have a 19-0 streak? Because people wrote it. I can not get passed that idea. I just cant. I know, its a fictional show, but for so much of wrestling I can get into the fictional world. This whole streak and the way they promote it just does not compute in my mind. I can not buy into the fictional world. I just see it as fake. I don’t know why…I just do. Maybe, when the Undertaker makes his way, very slowly, into the cage and its all happening, I will get more into it, but right now, with the exception of the divas, this is the match I care least about. On a positive note, I do really like that HBK is back. He is fun.
Ken: WWE had to have this match. Nothing else would really make sense here with all the current and available main event pieces in place. They did everything “right” during the build up and getting HBK to put down the hunting rifle long enough to spice things up was a good idea. Yet there seems to something missing from this match beyond the Undertakers’ hair. A certain spark is lacking, but all eyes will be on this match and it will absolutely have some “history as it happens” moments. My prediction: The Undertaker wins, ending some… kind of… era or something, but as he celebrates (with Michelle McCool in the ring, right?) Brock Lesnar comes down and we have the epic main event of WrestleMania 29 set.
My Prediction: Magic. Undertaker wins, of course. But magic happens. And if Brock Lesnar in any way makes an appearance in or after this match, I will stand on my couch and jump up and down. WELL…HERE COMES THE PAIN!