On The Line: General Manager of Both Raw & Smackdown
Team Long vs Team Laurinaitis
This is one of the matches I absolutely cannot wait for. Somehow, amidst all the serious, over-dramatic WrestleMania feuds, this glimpse of comedic genious has peaked its head through the clouds. Teddy Long and John Laurinaitis have an unquestionable chemistry – this feud has actually done something not even CM Punk could: make Laurinaitis watcheable!
Beyond just the entertainment factor involved, a lot of deserving talents are getting a huge rub. David Otunga, Drew McIntyre and Jack Swagger can only benefit from being in the ring with guys like Mark Henry, the Miz and Booker T. Everyone, excluding the Great Khali for being garbage, has come together to make the build up to this match a huge success. I can’t wait to see what it comes down to later tonight…
Ace: Go Santino. I absolutely love Santino. He is a breath of fresh air in a world full of over confident machismo. He does not take himself too seriously. He is funny. But, he is also really good. I want team Long to win, purely because I want Santino to win. I also think this match is going to be awesome. I love the traditional, good vs. evil feel of it. There are the obvious bad guys in red, and the obvious good guys in blue. I love the warring manager idea. I love the way they built this right out of the CM Punk Laurinatis feud. This is one of those super fun matches that I can not wait to see. I also really love Team Long. I really enjoy the shenanigans of R-Truth and Kofi. Plus, Booker T is crazy awesome. Team Long, FTW.
Ken: This is the Showcase of the Immortals, right? The Granddady of them all? WrestleMania? Look not every ‘Mania match booked in the last twenty-seven years has been a winner, but this isn’t just a “bathroom break” match. This is a “take a book” match. Take Team Johnny and the points.
My Prediction: I’m actually cheering for Team Long, because as Ace said we’re finally being treated to a straight-up good vs bad conflict. That doesn’t mean I suddenly forget what the wrestling business is though… Team Laurinaitis likely MUST win, because I honestly think Vince McMahon wants Johnny Ace as a permenant fixture, and Tedd Long has been around as Smackdown GM for a very long time. We’ll see what happens…