Don't lie. If you say you're not looking forward to Rock/Cena, I question whether you're truly a wrestling fan. AFTER I call you a liar.
And it's okay to be excited for it. It doesn't mean you secretly love John Cena. It just means Vince McMahon did his job. It means Rock and Cena did their job. And considering they literally had one year of time to fill, I think they all did their jobs, for the most part.
I'm on the fence as to who will win tomorrow. If Vince wants this to be a one-time match (for now), I say they give it to Cena. If there are plans for a series, as it was reported a few months ago, I think the first will go to the Rock. That's the only logic I have.
Every pay per view lives and dies by the main event. This year's WrestleMania is no different.
I heard the price of the HD feed is $65. I still think it will be worth every penny.
Chris Cash can be followed on Twitter @RealityofChris. Email him at [email protected] and be sure to tune into "VOW Reaction" as Chris Cash and Nick Paglino run down the pay per view and take your phone calls! The post-show will start live immediately following WrestleMania 28, exclusively on!