WrestleMania Prediction Machine: The Final Results

Randy Orton vs. Kane

Randy Orton

Nick Paglino:

Kane is WWE's only main event level jobber, and since this match has had no storyline genesis that makes any sense, my locked in pick is Randy Orton with the win. Orton has been lost in the upper card shuffle for quite sometime now, and there's no way he is taking a dive at WrestleMania unless this feud continues on after the PPV. Even if it does, I can't see Orton losing at the big PPV. 

Justin LaBar:

By the nature of the storyline, or lack thereof, I would have to say the face in Randy Orton walks out of this the winner. I don't know what is next for Kane, but do feel we will see Orton and Daniel Bryan have a program after WrestleMania 28. 

Josh Isenberg:

I really want to take Kane here, and I will. This could go either way, but I feel Kane can benefit more from winning at WrestleMania. His career is winding down, and he ALWAYS loses at WrestleMania. Whether it is Money in the Bank or his matches against The Undertaker, Kane has not had much success on the big stage. Kane has only won 2 single's matches in his career, and one was against Chavo Guerrero. He deserves this win, and Orton can easily take a loss. History proves me otherwise, but I do feel Kane will walk out as the winner because he needs it more than Orton.


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