Cena’s Drug Test Result

John CenaSo, John Cena told everyone he was drug tested recently before his match with The Rock at WrestleMania.


So he has an excuse if he loses.

While you are focused on the left hand, watch what the right hand is doing. Cena’s been one step ahead of The Rock on the run-up to Mania and this was the final straw. Cena sews the seeds of doubt by “passing” a drug test, as if he would get suspended if he failed. But he knew he wouldn’t fail. Even if he had monkey hormones shooting out of his eyeballs, no way Cena is going to get popped.

But what about the Rock? Did he take a test? Would he? Should he? Fans think WWE drug tests are a joke anyways, but if Cena loses, does he play the “drug test” card?

So the result of this drug test is positive for Cena winning again, even if he loses on Sunday…


What Wrestling Needs

The industry is lacking right now for something… WWE sells tickets but it’s a struggle for everyone else. Pay-per-views, other than WrestleMania, are ehh. But I have some ideas that can help.

Dare to be different

If you are a wrestling promotion, look at the bottom line. How many asses are you putting in seats? If you are happy with the results, fine. But if you want change, do something different. I am a big proponent of patterning the success of Minor League Baseball, having to sell tickets upwards of 80 dates a year. It’s not about the game, or the players, it’s about the experience and community. WWE does well because it sells the brand. Stars sell tickets, of course, but promoters have to fill seats in every economy, weather; regardless of who is on the card or not.

Bring in every aspect of a community to the show. Fundraisers for charity, invites to little leagues, etc. Pick a charity and set a contribution goal over a calendar year. You’ll get tons of publicity for your charity work. Again, it’s not about the wrestling. But, the wrestling has to be good enough to bring them back.


Cable ads are dirt cheap right now. Very simple… if you have a wrestling show, advertise where wrestling fans are. Control costs and invest in advertising. You can sell anything if you say it, say it and say it again. If you partner with some local charities, find out if there are some co-op opportunities.

My friend and long-time promoter Ron West went to work for the circus after many decades in wrestling. (What’s the difference? Certainly not the smell, but I jest.) He used his wrestling experience to sell circus tickets. Many so-called promoters today don’t promote. Promoters promote and know how to get as much bang for their buck as possible.

Boots on the Ground

Stop hanging posters and flyers. Put on a suit and go meet with the local businesses. Become a part of the town. If you are a remote promoter, get a local team and make them put a suit on. If they don’t have a suit, get a new local team. Cash in every favor you have. Stop giving out comps. Make everyone pay, even if it’s half price.

Half price? Yep. Sell blocks of 8 dollar tickets for $4 to charity groups and let the charity sell them for whatever they can get. Guess what? You aren’t going to sell those tickets out anyway. What pays you more money? 100 fans at $4 or Zero fans at $8?

Get the Flinch

How do you negotiate a sale price? Once you get a buying signal, give the buyer the full price. When you get the flinch, negotiation starts. What’s the “flinch”? Buyers physically flinch as they say “HOW MUCH?!?” If you don’t get the flinch and they accept your offer, you have just left money on the table.

Wrestling promoters need to work the local town to get buying signals from charity groups who show interest in your event and more importantly, your offer to help them. Once you get a buying signal, go in for the “flinch”. Offer to sell them a block of tickets they own and can resell for whatever they want for X dollars per ticket (higher than you are willing to accept). Get the “flinch”, negotiate downward but not below your floor price.

(Do the same thing with advertisers. Get them to flinch when you offer to buy cable ads for $1 apiece. See what happens.)

Remember, if you start at your floor price, you’ve got nowhere to go if you get a “flinch” at the bottom. Walk away from bad deals. Boots on the ground, wearing the suit, walk past bad opportunities.

Pray for Lower Gas Prices

Four dollar gas is going to hurt wrestling. Pray to anyone who will listen for prices to drop. But you can’t use it as an excuse. Work harder, hustle more, build deeper relationships in your town(s). Promoting isn’t easy. If it was, everyone would do it. Oh wait, everyone calls themselves “promoters” today but very few are.

What does any of this have to do with WrestleMania, ROH’s Showdown in the Sun or any of the other events wrestling fans will enjoy this weekend? Success or failure of these shows will be largely because of promoters. Now go out and sell.