Will ‘Taker Lose? Will HBK Come Back?


Ric FlairYou’ve not heard much about the Four Horsemen being inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame recently. Now there’s talk that HHH may help induct Mike Tyson instead of doing the honors for the Horsemen. The Horsemen induction seems to have been put on the backburner.

What happened?

Even though Ric Flair has been adamant that he will attend the Horsemen HoF induction, he is Impact’s contracted employee. If Flair appears on WWE TV, he could be fired. No big deal. Given his new long-term, big-money energy drink endorsement, Flair might even welcome that.

But Impact could sue WWE. WWE doesn’t want to deal with that.

If Flair can’t be on TV, the Four Horsemen induction loses a lot of steam. It’s easy to imagine WWE de-emphasizing.

Word is that Impact asked to be financially compensated by WWE for Flair’s appearance. Vince said that Impact should be grateful to have one of their performers appear on WWE TV.

It’s easy to see conflict between Impact and Flair over this. This is a huge event for Flair. If it’s downsized because of Impact, sparks may fly.

Impact should let Flair do what he wants. He’s RIC FLAIR. If any man transcends the biz, it’s him. I guarantee Dixie would let Hogan do it. I also guarantee Hogan is behind Dixie stonewalling Flair.

The shame is, The Four Horsemen deserve as much hype as this event can generate. They were true originals, all great performers. To see their induction minimized by petty, two-bit politicking over the “pride” of the worst “major” wrestling company in history SUCKS.

Flair has had his day. Gotten his credit. But Arn, Tully, Barry and J.J. deserve as much glory as can be generated. To some degree, each has always been underestimated. Especially Arn. Arn Anderson is one of the best all-around performers in wrestling history. Ring work, promo ability, persona…Arn had everything. I hope he finally gets his moment.

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM,Pittsburgh, PA (105.9) . Check out his web page at WXDX.com. Contact Mark by emailing [email protected] . FOLLOW MARK ON TWITTER: @MARKMADDENX.