One Temporary Step Down
It feels wrong saying this at all, but it is what I'm asked to do each week. I didn't love the Undertaker/HBK segment this past week on Raw.
It wasn't bad, but since this column is meant to compare superstar performances and programs week to week, then it's appropriate to give it a step down. The involvement between Triple H and Shawn Michaels two weeks ago was better than the follow-up with Taker and HBK.
I don't blame Undertaker for saying the wrong date — in fact, I blame the Miz — but it seems like after that flub, he was off a little verbally. I'm sure they had a clear message they wanted to get across and I can't say they did. The choice of words (ex: "pure") Taker used didn't really register or connect.
And while I didn't love the interaction last week, it's still three of the greatest of all time. It's still a match I'm excited to see.
I expect a complete recovery tomorrow night on Raw.
Chris Cash can be reached via email at [email protected]. You can also follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris and be sure to tune in tomorrow night, immediately following Raw, for "VOW Reaction". Billy Gunn will again co-host the broadcast as he and Chris break down Raw, take your calls, and much more! Visit VOWLive.com for details.