Stars in Progress: Santino Up, HBK, Anderson Return, More

HBK – Special Guest Referee

One Step Up

Initially, I wasn’t going to give this a step up. I started analyzing the possible outcomes of the Triple H/Undertaker match now that HBK is officially the special guest referee. None of them were good.

The reason they weren’t good is simple. I didn’t see a payoff.

It’s widely known that HBK will be one of the very few wrestlers to NOT come out of retirement and wrestle another match. He respects too much the way he went out. I respect that about him, even if the fan in me wishes he were lying to his very core.

And if he isn’t going to wrestle again, how does his inevitable involvement at WrestleMania benefit anyone? If he helps Hunter win, there’s no Taker/HBK rematch. If he helps Taker win, there’s no follow-up battle between former best friends. Wrestling is all about cause and effect, and there would be no payoff/effect in either case.

Those were my original thoughts. Then, I stopped thinking.

I realized that Shawn Michaels’ involvement — any involvement — simply makes ANYTHING better. He doesn’t have to wrestle to add value. He is regarded as one of, if not THE best of all time. He’s “Mr. WrestleMania”, period(.)

Taker will win on April 1st and go to 20-0. I have no clue how HBK will get involved, but I’m sure he will. I won’t get a Shawn Michaels match out of it either, but that’s really not the point here.

If you are going to give me an option of “with HBK” or “without HBK”, I’ll choose the first one everytime.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris and be sure to tune in live tomorrow night, immediately following Monday Night Raw, for “VOW Reaction”. Visit for more details.