Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 3-9

Sheamus is interview by Michael Cole. Bryan and AJ come out to interrupt. Bryan talks about how he is a great champion and who he has beaten as champion. He also says he has sex appeal and that he is a vegan which makes him better. Sheamus says everyone needs luck, and he has had luck but he will focus on making his own luck by fighting over talking. Sheamus tells Bryan he hides from a little girl. AJ tries to talk but Bryan tells her to shut up and she doesn't help him at all. Bryan says she actually interferes at times. Sheamus says he is going to take Bryan's title.

This was great. I am not a huge fan of the insertion of AJ into this storyline, but I do feel  like Sheamus and Bryan are working great together on the microphone. There just is something missing and I cannot put my finger on it. I feel like there is no history to build off of. The microphone work sounds solid, really stressing the levels of differences between the two. I dislike the fact that Bryan is cheaping his way to the top, while we all know his real history getting to the WWE.

Sheamus, Big Show, and Randy Orton def. Daniel Bryan, The Miz, and Cody Rhodes:

What I Liked:

Lots of action throughout this match. Fast tags to start the match was different but effective. They were able to spotlight more than just one feud here. Bryan's dropkick is solid, I love seeing it, and it looks like every kick should. I enjoyed when Sheamus and Cody worked together, as I felt both guys knew each others' strengths in the ring. Having Kane come out at the end to attack Orton was perfect. They brawled to the outside and into the crowd, really heating up this feud.

What I Disliked:

So, The Miz was in this match for what reason? Man, you have to feel for him and feel for the fact he has nothing to do with all the talent he has. Also, give us a reason to want to invest our time into Randy vs. Kane. What is the reason they are feuding? I am sure they can come up with something in the next two weeks.

Grade: B

Question of the Week: What can the WWE do to make you more interested in Sheamus vs. Bryan?

Smackdown Grade: C

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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