WZ’s Top Ten: WrestleMania WWE Title Matches

Number 6: WrestleMania XV: The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin



It all started in Philadelphia. The beginning of arguable the best feud in the history of professional wrestling. The Rock vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin started the attitude era, continued the popularity into the 21st century, and ultimately made returns that we can never forget. WrestleMania 15 was the first of 3 Mania matches between the two, this one being a no DQ match that faced extreme physical attributes between the two. Back and forth, a t shirt choke to start the match would tell you how personal it really was. Austin and Rock went back and forth, showcasing the classic Lou Theis press, countered with a Samoan Drop. The Rock was frustrated towards the end, Rock Bottoming the official Tim White. Earl Hebner came out, Austin was on the attack, and Mankind threw McMahon out of the ring. All chaos broke loose. Austin countered an elbow with a Stone Cold Stunner for the win. Once again, The Texas Rattlesnake bit, and was on top of the mountain. The feud began here and would not be stopped.  


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