Wade Brrett

What’s Bothering Me?: Mark Henry, Styles/Daniels, Barrett

#1. Mark Henry’s Mad…So Am I!

Mark HenryThe world’s strongest man is upset with his treatment since returning from injury. I don’t blame him. He’s upset that he was never allowed proper time to heal up. I don’t blame him. Now there’s reports of him potentially leaving the company when his contract expires later this year. I can’t say that I blame him.

It’s becoming quite clear that Vince has no intention of picking up where he left off with Henry from before the TLC pay per view. That bothers me to no end.

When I put over Big Show last week for his work with Daniel Bryan and his potential work with Cody Rhodes going forward, I wasn’t factoring Henry’s part in it. I didn’t think he’d have any part in it. It seems I was wrong.

Mark Henry’s role is to make Big Show look even stronger by allowing one punch to knock him out cold, AFTER Show kicks out of his World’s Strongest Slam. The obvious size difference between Cody Rhodes and Big Show wasn’t enough, I guess.

I’m aware that there’s not a lot of room currently for Henry on top. The focus is on Daniel Bryan. I’ve been a fan of that, too. But you’re telling me that Henry hasn’t established himself enough to deserve better than THIS?

You would think that the incredible length of time it took for Vince to finally get a return on his investment would make him WANT to ride that horse as long as he could.

It was 1996 when Henry signed that 10-year contract, that by the third year, we thought would never run out. He finally pays off, over 15 years later, and Vince doesn’t want to use him. Figure that one out.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at wzchriscash@yahoo.com. You can also follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris. And don’t forget, tomorrow night after Raw, Chris Cash hosts “VOW Reaction” and will be joined, live via video, by Chair Shot Reality’s Josh Isenberg. Watch the show live and join the chat room at VOWLive.com.

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