Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-27

In Ring Segment:  

The Rock comes out. He begins to talk to the WWE Universe about John Cena. He thanked the crowd for making The Rock, and he would be nothing without them. He also says he fights for the fans, while Cena fights for the boys backstage. He says nobody ever fought for him, including Stone Cold. He says Kung Pao Chicken because he is a Kung Pao Bitch. He continues to call him a bitch until Cena comes out laughing. He says Rock is a self centered bitch and would not care if the WWE closed down tomorrow. Cena says he does not need to write his lines on his wrist and only speaks the truth. He says Rock can keep making things trend because he will kick his ass at WrestleMania. He leaves, Rock says a few things and that ends Raw.

What I Liked/Disliked:

You can feel the hate when hearing Cena and Rock exchange conversations. If anything came out of this, it is the simple fact that they really are not big fans of each other. This is EXACTLY what they need to do. Rock was entertaining in some parts, but it was Cena who spoke quickly and more effectively. It got to a point where the chanting was getting too repetitive, but I enjoyed the segment. Some will complain that Rock did nothing to further the angle, but he did. He continued to speak his heart and Cena did the same. The action, the physicality will come, the attacks will come. Just let it happen, sit back, and enjoy the ride. I really am more interested now as to what Rock will do. Have him unadvertised next week and attack Cena. Do something different with Rock, make him have a target on his back even though Cena should be the one who has that target. Rock is still the face in this whole situation, no matter what they say or do. It's a world of marks, and Rock is the captain. He electrifyes in every way, and even though the promo was not the best, the live crowd in Portland loved it.

Grade: B+

Raw Grade: B-

Follow @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Reaction, over.


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