WrestleZone’s Top 10: What NEEDS to Happen on Raw Tonight

Number 3: Flip The Switch


We have the announcement. The match is set, and the anticipation is there. Hell in a Cell with Triple H and The Undertaker has gotten the world buzzing. So, what do you do now? I felt this announcement was too soon. Let Triple H have other outside people try to convince him, such as Nash or Stephanie. Add different pieces to the puzzle but ultimately come back to him. You get 5 weeks, most likely only 2 of those weeks with either Triple H or Undertaker both face to face. This week should NOT be one of those. Have Taker come out, but why not let a video package for Triple H air. Have The Game on a throne as The King of Kings watching footage just like Undertaker has done the past few weeks. Let Triple H gain the mental advantage for a few weeks. I would love to see something like this, so eery and reminiscent of what he has dealt with over the past month. If it happens tonight, next week Triple H comes out to confront and then the final two weeks can have both guys trying to gain the upper hand. I want that video to happen tonight, give the King his throne back.


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