WrestleZone’s Top 10: What NEEDS to Happen on Raw Tonight

Number 2: Build The Best

Chris Jericho

CM Punk and Chris Jericho need to be featured more prominently. Right now, it is the number three most interesting storyline heading into WrestleMania. Even though it will not be the most interesting, it will be the best wrestling match. Let Punk and Jericho get involved with one another in the ring, preferably in a tag team match. Let Jericho gain the upper hand, have him get the advantage on the champion, and let Jericho get a chance to lay down a "pipe bomb." They need to speak more by actions, not words. We have Taker, HHH, Rock, and Cena going to do a lot of talking the next 5 weeks, so let them work in the ring. I want to see what each of these guys can do away from the microphone tonight. I would not mind some sort of Jericho attack, similar to Punk on Orton a year ago. Let this be the start of a 5 week period of who gets the last laugh. I also feel this needs to be featured at the beginning of the second hour. Start off with Triple H and Taker somehow, and end with The Rock. Build the best in the ring this week, and let next week build from that.


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