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The Miz
One More Step Down

The MizIt's becoming increasingly more clear that Miz must be in the proverbial doghouse.

Raw is no longer enough; Miz will now be used to put over Smackdown stars as well. Sheamus said it best Friday when he brought up the fact that Miz currently isn't even on the 'Mania card. It's still early, and I expect Miz to be there somewhere, but the event is shaping up quickly.

Without MITB, I don't see a spot of any relevance they can put Miz at this point.

When you compare Miz to the others at the top of WWE currently, I'm not sure he fits anymore. And with Jericho back, you basically have the better version of Miz's character at your disposal. Miz's best chance of main eventing in WWE right now is on Smackdown, but that's no guarantee either.

I think it's time for Miz to accept a new position at the top of the mid-card. IC, US, or even another makeshift tag team would benefit Miz more than what he's currently being fed.

I'm still waiting on that face turn, too.


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