Memo To Punk: Shut Up!

CM PunkI never thought I’d say this, but C.M. Punk needs to SHUT UP.

Punk’s feud with R&B artist Chris Brown is gaining mainstream attention: CNN, E!, NBC Sports Network, etc.. I back Punk in everything he says about Brown. Brown is a domestic abuser. That’s among the worst sins anyone can commit. Brown showered Punk with generic abuse germane to many wrestlers, but not Punk. Punk rightly feels wronged.

But Punk has worked for WWE long enough to know how Vince McMahon’s mind works.

McMahon craves mainstream recognition and acceptance above all. He gladly sacrifices his performers’ credibility at the altar thereof. (Though he never had Jay Leno put Hulk Hogan in a wristlock.) Surely Punk can see McMahon’s wheels spinning.

And surely Punk can see that McMahon will want to exploit this. C.M. Punk vs. Chris Brown: Perhaps after WrestleMania, perhaps even at ‘Mania, sweeping aside Punk’s match/feud with Jericho, anticipated by most as the show’s real highlight. Anticipated by most as best among the build-ups, too.

Punk may be affording Brown the chance to make a buck, and to get that much more back in the public eye. A domestic abuser will profit by the attention he got from Punk. So will Punk.

I don’t think Punk wants that to happen. And if he does, he’s just another clichéd pro wrestler. That’s the biggest insult I can manage when it comes to a man like Punk.

So, Punk, SHUT UP. It may be too late to stop what you’ve already put in motion. But for the love of God, try.

Please don't say Punk-Brown could be a shoot. It won't be. Nobody would believe that, anyway.


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