Memo To Punk: Shut Up!


If you were a conniving bitch, and had bamboozled a guy into being humiliated and injured for your gain, and thought you had your hooks into an even bigger fish for the same purpose, where would you discuss your subterfuge? In secrecy, right?

Eve bragged about it IN FRONT OF A TV CAMERA.

To some degree, wrestling has long put forth the notion that the camera is everywhere. It’s necessary for storyline advancement. But this was just stupid. Why not have the moment caught on, say, a security camera, then presented to Cena?

Farfetched, you say? No more farfetched than Eve being dumb enough to brag about her treachery IN FRONT OF A TV CAMERA.

By the way, Eve’s claim that Zack never even got to first base is being disputed by a source deep inside WWE…I think. Can anyone tell me what a “rusty trombone” is?

Mark Madden hosts a radio show 3-6 p.m. weekdays on WXDX-FM,Pittsburgh, PA (105.9). Check out his web page at Contact Mark by emailing [email protected]. FOLLOW MARK ON TWITTER: @MARKMADDENX.