Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-21

UndertakerIn Ring Segment:

The Undertaker comes out. He says a year ago was a mental hell for him since. He talks about himself and H being the end of an era, and goes on to say he was shocked Triple H said no. HHH says Taker is a leader, needs to carry on the torch, and not think about the era ending. Trips says he will not be the guy to end it, as Taker rebuttals with him making excuses for being a coward. Triple H gets upset but backs off. Taker says, as HHH is leaving, that he figured it out, and he knows he cannot do what Shawn Michaels couldn't do. This infuriates Triple H, who comes back to the ring. He says he knows he can get the job done, and has nothing to do with Shawn. Triple H finally accepts but under one condition. They must go all the way, end it all, Hell in a Cell.

What I Liked:

A great segment from two veterans who know EXACTLY what to say at every moment. Taker was fantastic as egging on Triple H, and I love the characteristic change from both guys. This is a great build so far, and the fact that Hell in a Cell is the match at the biggest stage, makes it so much more interesting. There were personal digs, personal conflict, and still had Triple H coming off as "the business man." I loved the change in personas from both guys even after one year. It makes sense, and it makes for realism in a world where we often shy away from it.

What I Disliked:

Did they announce it too soon? Should we have had Triple H wait another week, have him tempted some other way? These are questions I ask you, the readers. What do they do now each week, 5 weeks remaining, to continue the angle? Who else gets involved? So many questions, but I loved the segment and love the stipulation.

Grade: A


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