Title This: WWE Raw Reaction 2-21

Kofi KingstonJohn Laurinaitis is backstage with David Otunga, as Teddy Long walks in. He says make himself at home. Long and Laurinaitis talk back and forth about who is the better GM. They both will pick a superstar to represent them tonight in a match.

Kofi Kingston and R Truth def. Primo and Epico:

What I Liked:

It was nice to see the tag champs on Raw, even if it came in a losing effort. I see Kofi and Truth teaming now for the foreseeable future, especially with all of the congestion in the main event status heading into WrestleMania. Kofi and Truth are very athletic, both over with the crowd in different ways, and I feel like Kofi can learn a thing or two from Truth regarding mic skills. The match was decent, nothing spectacular.

What I Disliked:

I felt like the match needed to go longer. Also, why advertise these guys in the main event and have them in a match? I do not understand, especially now because they will have no realistic possibility of winning it. (we all knew they wouldn't anyways I assume) Primo and Epico should have controlled the match from an offensive standpoint much more, but they fell behind the eight ball and did not get any of their championship confidence. Champions should have the edge because… THEY ARE THE CHAMPIONS.

Grade: C+

Chris Jericho is interviewed by Josh Matthews. He is upset because he was not eliminated last night. He promises to show everyone, including Punk, what he is capable of.

David Otunga def. Ezekiel Jackson:

What I Liked:

Otunga has a great look, whether you like him or not. He is super built and has a shy but confident ego building. They obviously have plans for him, or he would not be on TV each week.

What I Disliked:

A poor match overall. Jackson as Long's choice makes no sense, and he looked sluggish and out of shape. Otunga needs a new finisher, as well as a few more moves to be made believable as a wrestler. The match was just not good, no flow and no chemistry between these two similar style of wrestlers.

Grade: D