The Undertaker vs. Triple H in a Last Man Standing Match (HBK as Referee)
A year ago it was Stone Cold, and now Shawn Michaels will be the special guest referee in the final encounter of Taker/Hunter. You can bank on them fighting, but a mixture of Shawn Michaels and a Last Man Standing Match makes it more intriguing. Will Michaels help Triple H, his best friend, or will he not want him to accomplish what he could not do? The factors are great, the story is already being built, and these three can easily create great and DIFFERENT angles in 5 weeks. You do not need to see all three every week until the last two. This will be a great fit for two guys who always seem to battle through it all. The end of an era of attitude, Undertaker and Triple H will battle again with Michaels manning the controls. Can’t you see Michaels hitting Sweet Chin Music on both guys and just leaving? Suspense, dramatic, and gives him his moment while not overshadowing “The Streak.”
Kane vs. Zack Ryder
A unique matchup between two guys who have been thrusted into the main event picture because of John Cena. I really do not like this matchup, but they are both too vital in the overall angles built on Raw to be left off the card. They will come to a head at WrestleMania because of Kane’s obsession with Zack Ryder. I feel like Eve will do something in a few weeks to regain the love from Ryder. This whole Cena/Eve kiss will blow over and she will redeem herself before Mania. Ryder will fight for her love, and Kane will fight for his obsession of making everyone else’s life miserable. The match itself may last about ten minutes, but it will be Ryder’s first and not last match in front of 70,000 plus fans.