Randy Orton vs. The Big Show ends in a No Contest:
What I Liked:
I was actually very into this match. The Big Show may be limited, but he took the DDT and the RKO so good. He is very underrated with his athleticism for his given size. I loved how Orton and Show both were viewed as equals, not one overpowering the other. The ending was perfect for me. About damn time Bryan takes control of his own situation and not take the back seat. He looked evil, aggressive, and like an actual champion.
What I Disliked:
Nothing stuck out in my mind. I do not know if this was the right show to have this match, especially since the Elimination Chamber matches for tonight kind of overshadow this match. I would either have this on Smackdown to end the show. Have Bryan stand tall at an important part of the show.
Grade: B+
In Ring Segment:
Shawn Michaels comes out to the ring. He begins to talk, and gets to the point where he is here to hear Triple H accept The Undertaker's challenge at WrestleMania 28. Triple H makes his way out. Triple H says he is happy to see him, but is not accepting the challenge. Michaels says he better not be that guy who marries some chick and turns into a suit. This upsets Triple H, who says its about business and responsibilities. He says they are a rare breed, where The Undertaker is all they have left in their era. He needs to protect his investments. Triple H takes a cut at Michaels where he says Michaels is trying to live vicariously through him because he couldn't finish the job. Michaels calls him a coward. The Game says "no" when asked if he wants to be that guy who lives in infamy.
What I Liked:
Both guys can still work a crowd, work a microphone, and work with one another. Michaels got a great reaction when referring to Stephanie McMahon. I loved the rebound answer from Triple H to Michaels, as I feel like many "marks" feel that way. Both guys did EXACTLY what they needed to say, to do, and to push. The Undertaker's video at the end was effective to see him once again. It ended with suspense, but also ended with more of a push to test the ego, the career, and the life of Triple H. Well done on all fronts to not give it away just yet, but to continue to push this forward. It already is different than a year ago.
Grade: A