Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction 2-9-12

Impact WrestlingIn Ring Segment:

Bully Ray comes out to start the show after an interesting Star Wars video. He gets right to the point and calls out Bobby Roode. He tells the producers to shut Roode's music off as he comes to the ring. Ray complains about Roode never having his back. Roode defends himself and talks about how they travel together. He changes the focus on Ray's anger towards Sting. Sting's music hits and he comes out to tell them that he is the special enforcer for the match at Against All Odds.

What I Liked:

I have been waiting for them to spotlight some sort of confrontation face to face with Roode and Ray. There needs to be an emphasis on Ray being by himself and not relying on other people to get him over. I liked how aggressive on the microphone he was, as well as his intensity to carry the mic work over Roode, which is hard to do.

What I Disliked:

Sting, once again, needs to overshadow the main wrestlers in the match. I am alright with him being the special enforcer, but I wonder if this is an opportunity for him to screw over Roode. What I wonder is how creative is this angle? What is the point in having him in this match if he is going to call it right down the line? It is too obvious, on the other hand, to just screw over the heels.

Grade: C+

Daniels def. AJ Styles:

What I Liked:

We get a classic bout between these two guys once again. The athleticism was great, especially the transition from a sunset flip into an attempted Styles Clash. The chemistry was great, and it really felt like a fight. Both guys know how to work and sell moves without over selling. Daniels looked real sharp in the match, and I liked how the finish happened. A cheap victory for the heel, with the brass knuckles, was the right move to keep their heated rivalry going. You keep working these two until we get sick of them, and it helps when Kazarian is in the mix as well.

What I Disliked:

A video is shown of Kaz, Styles, and Daniels, but no show of Kaz? What is the point of having him inserted here if he was not even seen? I want to see this feud continue, but each week needs to have each guy seen in some capacity? I also wonder if I am the only one who loves to see these guys fight? Let me know what you think below… I feel like I am not in the minority, but this has been done before.

Grade: B

In Ring Segment:

Magnus and Joe come out to talk to the London crowd. He and Joe talk about how they are a well oiled machine. Comparing to the champions, Magnus states that Joe and him are not afraid of anyone. They talk about how Crimson and Morgan are only partners because they fear fighting one another. Out come the champs, who say talking is over. They begin to brawl. Joe gets thrown to the outside, but saves Magnus from being attacked.

What I Liked:

Loved this segment. It got many points across, including the dissention potentially between Crimson and Morgan from the past. I really enjoyed the entire build of this, and felt that Crimson and Morgan did the PERFECT thing here by not talking and breaking out a fight. This teases the altercation at Against All Odds, which is what I really am looking forward to seeing it develop. A Tag Team Championship match with meaning, great building, and four guys I do not mind investing time into.

What I Disliked:


Grade: A


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