WrestleZone’s Top Ten: Gimmick Matches

Number 3: Royal Rumble


30 men. 40 men. Whatever the number has been, the Royal Rumble is the most prestigious gimmick matches the WWE has ever had. With the battle royal atmosphere, it has given us numerous surprises, as well as shocking returns. This is so important because the winner goes on to main event WrestleMania. A stepping stone for some, like Alberto Del Rio, or even ressurecting careers, like The Undertaker, the Royal Rumble is unpredictable even when we all think it we can predict the winner. 25 years speaks volumes in his much success this event and match has. We can all agree that this could be number one on the list, but two others have been more breath-taking, more eye opening, and more jaw dropping. Nonetheless, Royal Rumble matches will always surprise us and will always deliver.


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