WrestleZone’s Top Ten: Gimmick Matches

Number 5: Elimination Chamber

So popular, it became it's own annual Pay Per View. Won 4 times by Triple H, the Elimination Chamber match features 6 competitors inside a steel linked cage with 4 chambers inside. Two start the match, and after a timed interval, another chamber unlocks and brings his opponent in the match. Elimination style match, the last man standing wins. The match is a cage typed match, but the aggression is much more intense. The ring is placed inside the chamber, and the steel on the outside that surrounds the ring is another weapon. I love this idea, as created by Eric Bischoff. Has it been overdone? Maybe, but 2 a year on a PPV is not a terrible idea. I would prefer one a year, but it has become so different and exciting that they had to make another one. Elimination Chamber has had great moments, especially when Edge cashed in after John Cena won in 2006's New Year's Revolution Pay Per View. It created his legacy, and creates moments that we all will remember.


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