WrestleZone’s Top Ten: Gimmick Matches

Number 9: Inferno Match


An Inferno match is pretty simple. The entire ring is surrounded by flames, and the first person to set his opponent on fire is declared the winner. There have only been 4 seen in North America, as it is a very dangerous and hazardous match. Kane and The Undertaker fought in the most memorable Inferno Match. Why is this gimmick so good? It cannot really be booked to be "fake." Someone had to be lit on fire, even if Kane's arm was protected, which we all knew was. I really enjoyed seeing this match, and the best part is that it has not been done to death. It is so rare that we may never see it again, especially since this is meant for the "Attitude Era." The Inferno Match was perfect for the time, and I will bet we will never see it again.


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