WrestleZone’s Top Ten: Gimmick Matches

Number 10: Championship Scramble

Chris Jericho

Unforgiven 2008 featured 3 Championship Scramble matches, one for the WWE, World Heavyweight, and ECW Championship. The idea is that two wrestlers start and every five minutes a new superstar enters. No wrestler is eliminated, but each pinfall gives that wrestler the unofficial champion. After all the time is up, whoever scored the last pinfall will be the official champion. I loved this idea for a few reasons. First, it gives us 20 minutes of uncertainty. Many people were shocked when Matt Hardy walked out with the ECW Championship due to getting the pin at the last second. Also, it was Chris Jericho who stole the championship at the end of the night to become the World Heavyweight Championship. There is a unique shock value, as well as fans having to sit on the edge of their seats wondering who will win. After each pinfall, you couldn't help but check your watch and see how much time they have left. Championship Scramble was different than EVERY other elimination match because nobody was officially eliminated. It was chaos in the ring all at once.


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