What’s Bothering Me?: Hogan/Bischoff, The Miz, X Division

#2. X Division

How mad must Austin Aries be right now?

"Mad" might not be the right word, but it's close. Disgruntled. Discouraged. Disappointed. Dissatisfied. Thesaurus.com frenzy aside, the current state of the X Division has to bother Aries to some degree. It's a section made up of one great champion and then everyone else.

The wrestling is fun. It normally is. But why does TNA continue to settle for that? The greatest "wrestlers" historically don't get over more than the most "entertaining" ones. I don't care what the marquee says. And that's across the board — not just with the A-level guys.

I liked the decision to put Alex Shelley back into the mix. He's over, even if it's still attributed to his MCMG association. But Mark Haskins? I know he's just there to put over Aries in a fun, entertaining, X'ish type of match, but come on. The guy needs to EXIST at least in order to do that.

It's evident the X Division is not priority in TNA, and I'm not asking for a lot, but they can do better. Find the right talent, let them talk if they're capable, and give them a little more time in your creative meetings.

Seeing as how the X Division is one of the main differences TNA has over WWE, all of this SHOULD be a given. It used to be. You know who was in charge when it was? Jarrett. However, he was the same guy putting himself in every major heavyweight program too. Gotta give a little to get a little, I guess. It's sad you can't have both and have to settle for the lesser of two evils at all.


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