Title This: Royal Rumble Reaction

Sheamus wins the 2012 Royal Rumble:


What did we get from this match? First off, let me vent some frustrations. I did laugh at Santino and Foley, but didn’t that somewhat overshadow more of the match than usual? Good moment, but I just wish they were eliminated by Rhodes, which I thought was going to lead into Goldust coming out. That did not happen, so what is the point of having Rhodes eliminate the “legends?” I really did not like the fact that Jimmy or Jay, cannot remember, came in so late, as the final 5 spots should be for guys who realistically could win. Also, Show at number 30 was a let down, as over the years we have gotten a shock, a surprise. Maybe it is me, but Big Show does not do it for me. We all know he enters but never wins. It happens every  year. Wade Barrett did nothing in the match besides put Orton over. What is the point of having the “Barrett Barrage” if he does not shine in the second biggest event of the year? He lasted too quick and should have been an early entrant. Instead, they focused on the surprises and not the talent that they have right in their face. There needs to be a solid balance between the two. Why was Michael Cole in the match? Too many wasted spots. It also shined a big light on the weak main event talent they have. I really thought there was about 5 guys who could realistically win the match. Maybe even less.

I liked the surprise of Sheamus winning, as not many people thought he could really win it. He and Jericho did a great job at the end of the match working the eliminations. I wish the final four consisted of Barrett and maybe a Miz or Rhodes. I feel like we needed to see a guy who has not won the Rumble be there, and not a guy like Big Show who obviously was not going to win. I also enjoyed how long The Miz went, especially since they have not used him in a major story in quite some time. They should have focused on building the young guys, and not rely on the surprise entrants. Jericho being eliminated by the Brogue Kick was great, especially how he fell off the apron. I just wished he made more of an impact in the match. Sheamus shined, Miz was great, and there were only a few others. Everyone else muddled in the middle of the contest and did not shine. Either way, it was unpredictable and the ending came as a surprise to me. Well done for the  most part.

Grade: B

Royal Rumble Grade: C+ The crowd was hot throughout, and it really helped the night not drag down after a slow start. St. Louis brought it, especially being there live!


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