What’s Bothering Me?: HOF, Y2J/Undertaker, Rumble Winner

#1. Chris Jericho vs The Undertaker

Chris JerichoJustin LaBar recently had an exclusive article claiming WWE was considering a Punk/Triple match and a Jericho/Taker match at WrestleMania 28 in Miami, rather than the expected Punk/Jericho and Taker vs Triple H III. I immediately started weighing pros and cons of the new match variations versus the old, and the old won hands down.

Two questions jumped out at me when I read this report:

1) How do that get back to Punk/Triple H now that Johnny Ace is the new heel authority figure?
2) How do they spin the Jericho videos leading up to his return in order to make them relate to the Undertaker?

Triple H can easily turn heel this Monday as he's apparently handling the review of John Laurinaitis, but I can't see Vince going away from Punk vs Johnny so quickly. That story has picked up major steam in the past two weeks and it's very clear that it won't end anytime soon. Triple H being inserted into the mix would add unnecessary confusion, so why do it?

Undertaker will most likely NEVER lose at WrestleMania and IF he does, it won't be to Jericho. While the match would be great, this year at Mania for 'Taker is bigger than the actual match. It's for 20-0. You could put Bozo The Clown in there and it would still make for a memorable, historic moment. Why sacrifice Jericho's unique and over-hyped return for "that"? The cryptic videos are surely going to be explained – and soon. I can't imagine WWE using that for a one-off match between Taker and Jericho.

I'm not loving the idea of Undertaker and Triple H a third time (although it would be billed as their second match), but it can be built up enough for this year. Especially when Rock/Cena is the headliner. Add Shawn Michaels in there to give it an element of potential surprise and that's plenty for Undertaker's 20th moment.

And then there's the obvious part we'd be missing if WWE decides to change their 'Mania plans: we won't get CM Punk vs Chris Jericho. Physically, or most importantly, verbally. The two of them battling back and forth for weeks, maybe even months, heading into Miami promises to be entertaining and original. Punk hasn't had a challenger that matches him on the mic. Jericho won't either, but he'll come closer than most.

I believe LaBar has credible sources and I'm sure one of them told him this change in plans was being discussed. However, I honestly can't see the benefit long OR short-term if they decide to go this way.

Please tell me if I'm missing something.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at wzchriscash@yahoo.com. Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris and be sure to follow his live coverage this Sunday from St. Louis. He'll be attending both the Royal Rumble and the after-party at the Tigin Irish Pub and will be sending in exclusive live reports, photos, and more to WrestleZone.com.


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