The Cashbox: Has Daniel Bryan Proven Himself Worthy?

As much as I've enjoyed his work over the past few weeks, I can't say that I'm buying Daniel Bryan as a WrestleMania headliner yet. Of course, it's difficult to call the World Heavyweight Championship match an actual "headliner" at this particular year's event. It's automatically playing fourth fiddle. Maybe that fact isin Bryan's favor.

I think the Rumble will be the tell-tale sign. If Daniel Bryan is to head into Miami as Champion or even challenger to Champion, I think his match this Sunday will give us a good indication. A win isn't necessarily the only indicator, but I do think it's important. The fact that Big Show and Mark Henry are both in the match presents an easy scenario to allow Daniel Bryan to leave the Rumble as Champion, IF that's what Vince wants to do.

There's still time between now and April 1st to continue developing Daniel Bryan into something worthy of "Main Event #4" at the big show. If he's booked strong this Sunday against Big Show and Mark Henry, I think it means Vince is seriously considering it as well. At the very least, it gives WWE more time to experiment further. Elimination Chamber offers another easy and logical way out if things don't go well for Bryan until then.

I'm not claiming Daniel Bryan is the next A-list guy, or that he will ever be a bona fied superstar in pro wrestling. I am saying, however, that I see potential. Much more potential than I initially thought was possible.

Some fans will say they saw it all along. Some critics will still argue against him. I can only speak for me, but as such, I'm looking forward to seeing more of Daniel Bryan. At this moment, on Smackdown, he works.

Chris Cash can be reached via email at [email protected]. Follow him on Twitter @RealityofChris. He'll be in St. Louis for the Royal Rumble and will be sending in news and notes from the live event all day.