Stars In Progress…Y2J, Barrett, Crimson, The Rumble & More

Chris JerichoChris Jericho
One SMALL Step Up

How do you follow up with Jericho and have him remain silent for the third week in a row without being too redundant? Simple. Put him in a match. It's just another variation of doing the exact same thing without making it too obvious.

I'm giving this a step up, but only a small one. I still don't see the point. Fans have already stopped talking about Jericho. Why would you? Everyone is aware of the pattern and what to expect with Jericho each week. Or what NOT to expect.

That being said, this is clearly what they want. They are biding time before setting up, more than likely, the Jericho/Punk program. There's a plan in place and as soon as Jericho talks, it will all make sense. I trust that Y2J vs. CM Punk will be excellent. Both men are too talented for it not to be, but as we wait for that to begin, they have to keep Jericho relevant.

Multiple weeks of the silent treatment isn't what I wanted for Jericho, but they put a fresh spin on it this past Monday and it didn't feel forced. Plus, it was a nice, subtle way to hint at the upcoming feud between Punk and Jericho by putting them together in a match.

My prediction? If CM Punk vs. John Laurinaitis is going to be a bigger priority going forward, I think they'll tie Jericho and Johnny together. It may not lead to a major faction or anything, but I think they'll have Laurinaitis reveal some sort of plan he had all along that included Y2J's return and subsequent program with Punk.


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