Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction 1-20-12

Daniel Bryan vs. Mark Henry in LumberJack Match Ends in No Contest:

What I Liked:

Another week of a No Contest match for Bryan, barely escaping. I assume this is how you book a small and weak champion. Bryan did rather well with Henry, selling his strength the best he can. Bryan and Henry do a good job together with their chemistry, especially with how different their styles are. I did not hate the Lumberjacks outside because Bryan cannot be taken seriously if he beat Henry clean.

What I Disliked:

No Big Show this week, yet he is in the biggest storyline on the show. Finally, they make a World Title match at Rumble, and it is in a cage. What is the point, so Bryan can escape and steal another win while Henry and Show fight off one another? Can't you already see the ending of this? Also, I just cannot stand how Long and Bryan interact with one another. It drags, and something big needs to happen to keep our interest.

Grade: C+

Smackdown Grade: C+

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